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Thigh Lift


Thigh Lift

As people age or lose significant amounts of weight, excess skin can pose a concern. At Paragould, we see one predominant trouble area with sagging skin in the legs and thighs. At Paragould Plastic, Dr. Epperson can trim loose skin to reveal a firmer, more contoured appearance with a thigh lift.

A thigh lift surgery can help discard excess skin while boosting the remaining skin, creating a smoother and rejuvenated appearance. Despite exercise and diet, sagging skin on the thighs is best addressed with a thigh lift from an experienced plastic surgeon.

A Woman Wearing A Blue Dress

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

  • Reduces dimpled, cellulite appearance
  • Defined look with muscle tightening
  • More youthful aesthetic
  • Improved fit in clothing
  • Sustainable results
  • Self-confidence improvement
  • Reduction of excess skin and fat

Who’s eligible?

If you have loose, sagging, or wrinkly skin on your inner or outer thighs and are in general good health, you’re a good candidate for a thigh lift.

Thigh Lift FAQ

General anesthesia is commonly administered for thigh lift surgery, with the procedure taking around three to four hours to complete.

A universal technique used for a thigh lift places incisions in the natural fold where the thigh attaches to the torso. The incision then spans downward, wrapping around the back of the thigh. The concealed tissue will be reshaped and tightened, and skin will be decreased and re-draped, producing more proportionate and smoother body contours.

If your plastic surgeon recommends a minimal invasive medial thigh lift, you’ll receive an incision only in the groin area. Developing the contours of the outer thigh may call for an incision extending from the groin around the hip. Your surgeon will tighten the area for an effortless, better-toned lower body silhouette.

There is often bruising, swelling, and discomfort during the first days of the recovery time. To improve blood circulation and efficient healing, many patients can slowly walk around after several days. Additionally, you could be required to wear a compression garment for multiple weeks preceding your thigh lift to minimize swelling and support healing tissues.

The smoother contour will be evident almost immediately. However, it can take at least six to eight weeks to see the full results of the procedure.

Schedule Your Thigh Lift Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to meet your individual needs more accurately. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative thigh lift surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

Schedule Your Thigh Lift Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to meet your individual needs more accurately. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative thigh lift surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

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