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Skin Tightening


Skin Tightening

Most modern men know that proper skin care routines and skincare products aren’t just for women anymore. Men also appreciate that timeless look to their skin that certain spa treatments and cosmetic products/services provide. So much of the masculine aesthetic is dictated by the skin. Men desire strong jaws, chiseled chins, and taut skin along our cheeks and necks—features that sink or swim based on the elasticity and quality of skin.

At Paragould Plastic Surgery, our laser skin tightening services and other skincare options are designed to provide the utmost benefit—whether they’re performed on men or on women. By cleaning, exfoliating, and encouraging your skin’s natural production of elastin and collagen, Paragould’s skin tightening options can give your skin what it needs to match your masculine spirit with your masculine appearance.

Skin Tightening Procedures

Non-surgical and non- or minimally-invasive skin-tightening procedures offer numerous benefits with virtually no or downtime required. We can complete many procedures in the time you’d usually take for a lunch break. Depending on the results you want, several appointments may be required for the best benefits. To learn more about our skin tightening procedures, schedule a consultation at Paragould Plastic today.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments

Paragould offers the latest in laser technology procedures designed for full skin care and tightening. Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments can reduce and eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes resulting from sun damage. Best of all, IPL can increase your skin’s natural production of elastin and collagen while also breaking apart freckles, moles, and other unwanted blemishes.

Safe for all areas of the face (except for the eyelids), IPL treatments can tighten skin and reduce many of the visible symptoms of aging through a generally pain- and discomfort-free procedure. After several IPL appointments, you should notice firmer, more even skin in the targeted areas within just a few months.

RF Microneedling

Like IPL treatments, RF Microneedling works by causing perfectly safe, microscopic injuries at specific depths within skin tissue. Fine needles make micro-wounds in the targeted areas, encouraging the skin to develop more elastin and collagen—two natural agents of repair and renewal. After the micro-wounds are made, radiofrequency (RF) waves are sent into the skin to encourage the production of additional healing elements.


A skin tightening solution that needs no introduction, BOTOX® and other dermal fillers and injectables are famous worldwide for their skin tightening properties. BOTOX® works by relaxing the muscles responsible for fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, creating a firmer appearance to facial contours with a single appointment. Dermal fillers and injectables work by adding volume to your face, tightening your skin from underneath.

Other Options

As a general rule, what’s good for the quality of the skin is also good for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Chemical peels, laser resurfacing procedures, skin rejuvenation procedures, and—finally—facelifts can all increase natural tightening agents within the skin or firm face, cheek, and neck skin by other means.

Depending on the results you hope to achieve, one or several of these options may be best for you. Dr. Epperson and his expert team will guide you toward the appropriate procedures during consultation.

Benefits of Skin Tightening

Skin tightening treatments have dozens of incidental benefits beyond simply tightening your skin. Each procedure can treat multiple issues at the same time. Among the numerous benefits to skin tightening technology, you can expect:

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles
  • Promotes production of healing agents
  • Reduces or eliminates blemishes
  • Creates smoother complexion
  • Can also treat acne, rosacea, etc.
  • Reduces the appearance of crow’s feet
  • Minimal to no downtime required

Skin Tightening FAQ

Not in most circumstances. Many patients describe the sensation as being somewhat similar to having a rubber band snapped on their skin. During the procedure, we may apply a cooling gel to lessen the sensation of heat.

Patients may notice some redness or darkening of blemishes in the days that follow each treatment, but these effects usually fade away as the body takes over the healing process.

The benefits of BOTOX® can persist for up to 6 months. Typically, patients enjoy 3-4 months of obvious, visible benefits. BOTOX® is injected in a quick, simple, and straightforward procedure. You can return to receive treatment again without too much of an imposition to your daily or weekly routines.

RF microneedling is considered a safe procedure. Unlike other microdermabrasion treatments, RF microneedling penetrates deeper into the skin. Even so, the procedure is generally safe for most people. RF microneedling may not be appropriate for frequent users of Accutane, those who have severe psoriasis, or those currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments. If you have concerns, raise them with your doctor during a consultation.

Schedule Your Skin Tightening

Skin care provides remarkable benefits for both men and women. At Paragould Plastic Surgery, you’ll find a skin tightening procedure to suit your needs, concerns, preferred downtime, and desired results.

For the best skin tightening options in Paragould, AR, contact Dr. Epperson and his expert team to find the best solution for you. Tighter skin contributes to sharper contours, restoring confidence and a masculine appearance where and when you need it most.

Schedule Your Skin Tightening

Skin care provides remarkable benefits for both men and women. At Paragould Plastic Surgery, you’ll find a skin tightening procedure to suit your needs, concerns, preferred downtime, and desired results.

For the best skin tightening options in Paragould, AR, contact Dr. Epperson and his expert team to find the best solution for you. Tighter skin contributes to sharper contours, restoring confidence and a masculine appearance where and when you need it most.

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